Three new Final Fantasy XI Expansion Packs in development at Square Enix

Final Fantasy XI - The Vana'diel Collection 2008 on PCMore Final Fantasy XI is heading our way thanks to Square Enix, who has announced that three upcoming downloadable “scenario expansions” for both the PC and console versions of Final Fantasy XI are in development.

They are being headed up by Masato Kato, who is the original developer behind the story and scenarios of both the base Final Fantasy XI game as well as it’s first expansion pack, Rise of the Zilart.

The expansions will be available exclusively online via the PlayOnline Viewer for all platforms including the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 2 where it will be downloadable for purchase for all versions worldwide.

The first expansion entitled “A Crystalline Prophecy: Ode of Life Bestowing” will be released in Spring of 2009. It will be followed by “A Moogle Kupo d’Eta: Evil in Small Dose” and “A Shantotto Ascension: The Legend of Torn, Her Empire Born” (. . . . are they going for some kind of long, confusing, weird name award?) have yet to be dated.

Square Enix’s Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) RPG Final Fantasy XI retains a community of 500,000 subscribers (with 1.7 million player characters) split across three platforms — Xbox 360, Playstation 2 and PC — across which players of all formats can interact.