New PlayStation Store launches in 2 weeks, no updates in the meantime

New PlayStation Store front
On April 15th, PlayStation Store, the online content store on PlayStation Network, is getting a whole new look and feel – and it’s in response to feedback from the millions of PSN registrants in the PAL region. New content will be suspended for two weeks while the improvements are carried out, eventhough the old store still works, but users can look forward to a special update in mid-April. Sounds like Sony are saving up their games for the store relaunch. No doubt we’ll see that Resistance 2 trailer, Warhawk expansion and other goodies the leaked PlayStation Network release schedule showed.

The revamp comes in response to a survey last year which showed that many PlayStation Store users wanted a better interface and easier navigation. The new design will deliver a hugely improved navigation system, much greater scope for categorisation and a dynamic new user interface that’s no longer web-based, but instead part of the PS3 firmware.

The PlayStation Store revamp will not affect PlayStation Network accounts or the virtual wallet system. Sony have also confirmed the store will remain region-free. So if you can get Japanese store credit, you can still try your hand at importing the loads of PSone games their store has. The lack of regular game updates is conveniently ignored by the notes sent out by Sony, perhaps that will improve with the new store as well?