Offset, fantasy third and first-person action game, revealed in debut trailer

Troll from Project Offset (PC)
Project Offset is a fantasy third and first-person action game in development by “Offset Software”, founded by Sam McGrath, Travis Stringer and Trevor Stringer, all winners of the 2004 Independant Games Festival for their title Savage: The Battle for Newerth.

Offset uses their brand-new “Offset Engine” which was built from the ground up for use in this game, which is set to hit shelves on the PC initially with no release date yet set.

The world of Offset consists of sprawling environments that convey the massive scope of their all new fantasy setting and leads heroes along roads, rivers and natural trails as they uncover dark mysteries within dank caverns, fortified castles and labyrinthine dungeons. Colossal cities, ancient structures and other war-ravaged settings are the stage of large-scale battles in both the single-player and multiplayer campaigns.

Treasures will aid collectors in the form of a myriad of weapons, armour and magical artifacts. Heroes must take care when tampering with the forces of the arcane as magic is still an art full of mystery and unpredictability . . .

With impresses graphics and a solid engine, the Project Offset debut trailer promises “5 Distinct Classes”, “Parellel Storytelling”, a “Hybrid Combat System”, “Rideable Creatures”, and “Squad Based Multiplayer”.